"What Would Jesus Do?"
Jesus always knew how to handle things the right way. In this passage, while the world and the religious leaders want to condemn the woman caught in adultery, Jesus sticks up for her and tells her that He doesn't condemn her for what she's done, but also says to go and sin no more. We must realize that Jesus' way of handling things is exactly how we, the church, should handle people in the world.
Why Condemnation is Wrong
con•demn \kən-ˈdem\ verb transitive
[Middle English, from Anglo-French condempner, from Latin condemnare, from com- + damnare to condemn—more at DAMN] 14th century
1: to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation 〈a policy widely condemned as racist〉
2 a: to pronounce guilty: CONVICT
b: SENTENCE, DOOM 〈condemn a prisoner to die〉